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  • E/M WAVE - NMO FME Mount - Easier & More Reliable Installs
  • HASCALL-DENKE - LB44R Railroad Antenna
  • COMMSCOPE® - HX6-611 Microwave Antenna
  • PRIMUS - UTC Region 5 Conference - Minneapolis, MN
  • MVG - EME Guard XS 71GHz
  • RFI - THE BIG LIST - In-Stock Fiber & Jumper Cables

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Take Connectivity Everywhere

  • Nov 29, 2022

Rely on RFS to take connectivity everywhere 

We’ve been designing and manufacturing premium quality solutions to keep people and businesses connected for more than 120 years. Along the way, our inventions and innovations have changed the industry. Today, our connectivity solutions continue to set new benchmarks for performance, flexibility, durability and fire resistance 


Our entire portfolio of CELLFLEX coaxial cables and jumpers supports frequencies up to 6 GHz to protect your investment. You can take advantage of emerging spectrum and evolve to 5G anywhere in the world — no matter which stage of evolution you’re in today. 

With extremely low attenuation, excellent heat transfer properties and temperature-stabilized dielectric material, RFS CELLFLEX coaxial cables deliver safe, long-term operation, even at high transmit power levels. Our ongoing dedication to superior corrugation techniques means CELLFLEX cables bend easily without risk of damage, even against strong bending forces. 

Our RF jumper cables work seamlessly within end-to-end transmission line solutions to maintain transmission quality and performance in any deployment scenario:
• CELLFLEX Factory-Fit Jumpers are ideal for indoor environments and other locations where jumper connectors don’t require weatherproofing.
• CELLFLEX SecureFit Booted Jumpers include a patent-pending, injection-molded boot that protects jumper connections from moisture, salt, sand, dust and other contaminants that can corrode connectors, degrade connection quality and reduce connector lifespan. 

Our indoor communications cables protect communications in burning buildings to keep people connected when they need it most.
RFS ClearFill®Line plenum-rated wideband coaxial cables and jumpers deliver outstanding electrical and mechanical performance and operate in frequencies up to 6 GHz to support all in-building wireless technologies and applications. These air dielectric coaxial cables are thoroughly tested for safe use within the “environmental air handling space” in ceilings as well as in more traditional plenum applications. 

Our extensive portfolio of waveguides and accessories support the entire range of microwave frequencies, and have been used in thousands of successful installations worldwide.
RFS FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguides are the highest quality, best performing, and most reliable elliptical waveguides in the industry, and have been proving their value in the field for decades. The unique, corrugated design provides maximum strength and flexibility, while our specialized, continuous seam welding process and a highly conductive copper tube ensure excellent electrical performance and low attenuation. 

As broadcasters evolve to deliver NextGen TV services from multi-channel single-frequency network (SFN) sites, our high-power, broadband transmission lines deliver the site efficiencies they need.
RFS HELIFLEX® air dielectric coaxial cables combine the highest power ratings and lowest losses of all equivalent-sized competitive offerings to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions at SFN sites. These continuous-length cables are constructed with premium materials, and are available in sizes up to 8 inches to support the highest power requirements. 

If you have any further questions about RFS please contact Primus at 800-435-1636 or [email protected]

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