RFS' flexible Tower, Base Stations and Rooftop protection and Distribution products provide protection for up to 12 Remote Radio Heads/Integrated Antennas. The solutions mitigate the risk of damage due to lightning and provide high levels of availability and reliability to radio equipment.
• Designed for distribution to 12 RRH circuits, DC power and fiber optics. • Alarms for moisture detection and intrusion • Digital Voltmeter with twelve (12) position switch to monitor each DC circuit • Power alarms for wiring anomalies and power disruptions • Employs the Strikesorb® 30-V1-2CHV Surge Protective Device (SPD) specifically designed for the Remote Radio Head (RRH) installation environment and certified for use in DC applications and at low DC operating voltages (48V) • The Strikesorb 30-V1-2CHV is a Class I SPD certified by VDE per the IEC 61643-11standard as suitable for installation in areas where direct lightning exposure is expected. Strikesorb 30-V1-2CHV is able to withstand direct lightning currents of up to 5kA (10/350) and induced surge currents of up to 60kA (8/20) • Provides very low let through / clamping voltage – unique for a Class I product – as it does not employ spark gaps or other switching elements. Strikesorb offers unique protection levels to the RRH equipment as well as the Base Band Units • RS485 communication link uses two (2) twisted pair (+ground) wires per hybrid cable, and communicates all voltage, boost system and alarm data • Patent pending design